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We offer an online service as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic to ensure you receive support during these difficult times, allowing the opportunity to get professional advice from the comfort of your home.


Online Osteopathic consultations


A structured 1:1 live appointment (online or by telephone) to help diagnose your symptoms and give you specific support to help reduce your pain. 


A typical appointment will cover the following:


  • A detailed consultation covering your presenting complaint along with your medical and social history.

  • Screening for non musculoskeletal complaints that may require medical care.

  • Looking at your posture and how you currently move (I will demonstrate any specific movements first).

  • Special tests (I will demonstrate first)

  • Formulating a diagnosis and treatment plan.

  • Give suggestions for improvements you can make while working at home.

  • Demonstrate and support you with specific movements, exercises and stretches which you can use to help reduce your pain (these will be adapted depending on your space and needs).


You will need:


  • A laptop, tablet or phone with a camera and internet connection.  A link will be sent out for you to access your appointment, no need to download software.

  • Clothing you feel comfortable to move in.  Please see the FAQ section regarding your first visit and what to expect.

  • Space to demonstrate movements and exercises.


Typical appointments take between 30-45mins either over the phone or online through your phone/laptop or smart device. 


You welfare is paramount to me, to ensure continuity of care you will have opportunities to arrange follow up consultations to monitoring your  progress in returning to health.  


Pilates online @ The Small Space Studio, London, 2020 © Trevor England

Online Pilates


To continue supporting my community, Trevor offers online Matwork Pilates training ranging from 1:1 personalised sessions to small group classes.


Benefits from joining:


  • Banish the "lock down blues" and restore your mind-body connection.

  • Classes involve no Pilates specific equipment.

  • Build your awareness of how Pilates can support your posture and wellbeing.

  • Sessions are designed for for those living in small spaces.

  • You will receive 1:1 feedback during your session.

  • Exercises will be modified to support your specific needs.

  • 1:1 training focussed on your specific needs including; rehabilitation, postural management and general fitness.



You will need:


  • A laptop, tablet or phone with a camera and internet connection.  A link will be sent out for you to access your appointment, no need to download software.

  • Clothing you feel comfortable to move in.

  • Enough space so your can move.

  • Towels, cushions and everyday items will be used as props.

Have a short question about how Trevor can help you?

Email him and arrange free no-obligation chat.

Thanks for submitting!

Trevor England I'm Registered Mark 10220

© 2020 Trevor England.

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