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As we lead our active lives, there are times when many of us experience acute or chronic injuries, which can impact upon us physcially and emotionally.  


This is a perfect time to book in for a thorough assessment to identify the root of your problem.  Once we have identified this we can devise a personlised treatment plan.


Some of the modalities used include:




Many people have found manual medicine, Osteopathy, useful for a variety of complains including:


Arthritic pain
Digestive problems

Frozen shoulder/ shoulder and elbow pain/ tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis) 
Headaches (cervico-genic)
Joint pains including age related (including osteoarthritis)
General, acute & chronic backache, back pain
Generalised aches and pains
Migraine prevention
Minor sports injuries
Muscle spasms

Pregnancy related problems, aches and pains
Tension and inability to relax
Rheumatic pain
Uncomplicated mechanical neck pain


We take a wholistic and person centred approach to help you.  Your first visit will involve taking a thorough case history, asking questions about your presenting complaint and your general health.  After this a physical examination is performed to help identify what is causing your pain and possible linking factors such as posture.  This will follow with an osteopathic treatment which can involve a variety of techniques which will move your joints.  Finally you will be prescribed exercises to support your complaint.


Osteopathic treatment, London, 2019© Trevor England

We also offer


Advertising Standards Authority. 2016. Health: Osteopathy [online] Available at < online/health-osteopathy.html> [Accessed 31 July 2019].


General Osteopathic Council. 2019. About Osteopathy. General Osteopathic Council [online]. Available at< >[Accessed 31 July 2019].

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Trevor England I'm Registered Mark 10220

© 2020 Trevor England.

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